Monday, September 3, 2012

Financial Armageddon Looms, Precious Metals to Soar

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012
The time is nigh...
“We, as individuals, can live beyond our means by borrowing, but only for a limited period of time. Why then should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?”

— Ronald Reagan
In 2005 our debt was $5.6 trillion, and in 2010 it was $13.5 trillion.
It's set to surpass the $20 trillion mark by 2016.
That's just four years from now.
The days of living beyond our means and piling up mounds of borrowed (nonexistent) money to pay for it all has taken a toll on our nation.
The consequences are so severe, many wonder if we'll ever truly recover... 
Not to Fear — the Fed is Here!
Quantitative easing won't fix this mess we've gotten ourselves into. The Fed's 'Monopoly money' is a joke, no matter how many times they tell us it's the only feasible way to keep our economy afloat.
Consequently, a dramatic decline of the dollar is unfolding before our very eyes. Its imminent collapse is just another hasty Fed policy away.
You will have to diversify your portfolio accordingly if you don't want to lose everything.
Don't get me wrong; the market will experience a slight boost immediately following the announcement of QE3 this fall...
But shortly after the election, when QE efforts prove lackluster yet again, we could once again find ourselves in a world of despair... and for some time.
It happened with QE1 and again with QE2.
Why should we expect something different this time?
After all, “a free market system has to find its level roots,” explains Keith Springer, president of Springer Financial Advisors, who predicts a market crash post-election.
Don't Panic... Buy Gold
Gold bullion investments are a must if you want to hedge inflation and survive the crash.
Silver futures will help protect you, too.
Platinum and uranium offer some peace of mind as well.
Christian DeHaemer has kept his Crisis and Opportunity readers in the know with some profitable precious metal trades that are up since he told his readers to buy gold and silver...
Traders purchasing the 3x Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: NUGT) two weeks ago are up 19.79% as of the beginning of this week. The Silver ETF (NYSE: SLV) was up 11%. And Christian helped his readers earn 83% returns in a single day from a platinum options play.
Last weekend, I told you Wall Street insiders were moving billions out of equity funds and into hard assets.
That trend isn't easing...
Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported hedge funds “boosted bets on rising commodities to the highest in 15 months, driving prices into a bull market as the U.S. drought worsened and the Federal Reserve signaled it may take more steps to spur economic growth.”
Additionally, investors added another $1.47 billion to commodity funds in the week ending on August 22 — the third inflow of money in the past four weeks. Of that, $1.36 billion went directly toward precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.
In the past month, investors bought $2.77 billion worth of the yellow metal through gold-backed exchange-traded products; 53.26 metric tons so far.
Data reveals traders are the most bullish they've been since November 11.
Brad Durham, managing director of EPFR Global, has interpreted this sign as an indicator that QE3 will happen.
QE3 in September, a critical election in November, and financial Armageddon by winter?
Though it's hard to say the exact day or week it will all go down, the signs point to the end of a dark road...
It's time to stop relying on the government and the Fed to fix things. It's time to pave your ownroad to wealth.
I suggest you do so with gold and other precious metals.
By : 

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