Sunday, September 30, 2012

Survey Participants See Higher Gold Prices Next Week

Friday September 28, 2012 12:10 PM
Gold prices are finding underlying support from ultra-loose monetary policy and rising European debt problems and this could give the yellow metal further strength next week, say most participants in the Kitco News weekly Gold Survey.
In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 33 participants, 24 responded this week. Of those 24 participants, 20 see prices up, while two see prices down, and two are neutral or see prices moving sideways. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders, money managers and technical-chart analysts.
Several participants who saw higher prices voiced similar reasons to what Carlos Perez-Santalla, precious metals broker at PVM Futures, said: “up QEF (quantitative easing forever), South African mounting troubles, European debt troubles and PBOC (People’s Bank of China) actions.”
Gold will rise next week, said Adam Hewison, president and chief strategist with INO and “Gold has become the new Apple for investors, look for this market to move over $2,000 by the end of the year,” he added.
Not everyone is forecasting higher prices. After such a strong rally, a few participants said they were looking for gold to retrace these gains, so they expected prices to be down next week.
Others who are neutral or see prices trading around current levels said gold is in a holding pattern for time being and needs time to digest the current rally.
Kitco Gold Survey
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pelanggan Genneva buat laporan polis

Ramai gigit jari lepas syarikat gagal penuhi kontrak untuk beli semula emas yang dijual
SEKUMPULAN pelanggan yang membeli wafer dan jongkong emas daripada syarikat dagangan emas, Genneva Pte Ltd, terpaksa 'gigit jari' apabila syarikat itu enggan mengotakan perjanjian dalam kontrak mereka untuk membeli balik emas tersebut dan mengembalikan duit mereka.
Beberapa pelanggan - termasuk mereka yang telah melaburkan sehingga $1 juta - telah pun membuat laporan polis dan menyaman syarikat itu.
Sejak diperkenalkan di sini pada 2008, Genneva telah menarik 10,000 pelanggan di Singapura dan dianggarkan 25 hingga 30 peratus terdiri daripada pelanggan Melayu.
Kunjungan Berita Harian (BH) ke pejabat Genneva di Orchard Towers semalam menunjukkan ramai pelanggan dan ejen-ejen berkumpul untuk mendapatkan penjelasan daripada syarikat itu. Lebih 200 ejen menghadiri taklimat semalam.
Salah seorang pelanggan Genneva, Cik Marian (bukan nama sebenar), ingin menjual emasnya yang bernilai sebanyak $50,000 pada tarikh yang tertera dalam kontraknya, tetapi syarikat itu enggan menerimanya.
"Saya sudah tanya mereka sebanyak empat kali. Tapi, mereka kata syarikat tidak ada duit. Mereka kasi baucar untuk saya dapatkan duit pada tarikh yang ditetapkan dalam baucar itu. Tapi, apabila saya pergi ke pejabat Genneva pada tarikh tersebut, sekali lagi mereka tidak mengotakan janji mereka,'' katanya, dengan nada yang marah.
Beliau telah membuat laporan polis bersama 10 lagi rakannya semalam.
Seorang lagi pembeli yang ditemui telah membeli jongkong emas bernilai $300,000 bersama bapanya.
"Ejen saya kata selepas tempoh tamat, saya boleh jual balik emas itu dan mendapat duit saya sebanyak $300,000. Setakat ini, saya hanya dapat $12,000. Ejen saya memberikan pelbagai alasan dan menyatakan syarikat tidak mempunyai duit untuk membayar saya,'' kata beliau.
Ketika dihubungi semalam, jurucakap polis berkata: "Ia tidak wajar bagi kami membuat komen mengenai siasatan polis, jika ada.''
Genneva Pte Ltd telah diletakkan dalam Senarai Amaran Pelabur (IAL) oleh Penguasa Kewangan Singapura (MAS) kerana tidak mempunyai lesen atau dikawal oleh bank pusat itu.
"MAS amat menggalakkan pelanggan yang mendapatkan khidmat kewangan agar berurusan dengan pihak yang dikawal oleh bank pusat itu sahaja. Jika mereka memilih berurusan dengan pihak yang tidak dikawal oleh MAS, mereka melepaskan perlindungan yang diberikan di bawah undang-undang yang ditadbirkan MAS,'' kata jurucakap MAS.
Dibentuk 2008, Genneva beroperasi sebagai sebuah syarikat yang membeli dan menjual emas. Apa yang menarik perhatian pelanggan menyertai skim itu ialah pelanggan mendapat diskaun sebanyak 2 peratus setiap bulan selama tiga bulan dalam kontrak yang amat popular di kalangan pelanggannya di sini.
Diskaun itu akan dibayar oleh Genneva dalam bentuk tunai.
Pada akhir 90 hari, bergantung pada skim yang disertai pelanggan, Genneva akan memberikan pilihan kepada pelanggan menjual balik emas itu kepadanya pada harga asal yang dibayar pelanggan.
Namun, apa yang pelanggan tidak sedar ialah Genneva menjual emas kepada pelanggan pada kadar premium sebanyak 20-30 peratus.
Genneva menjual emas pada harga $96,000 setiap kilo atau $96 setiap gram bagi bulan Ogos. Namun, UOB, yang menyediakan khidmat pelaburan emas, menjual emas pada harga $74,500.

Friday, September 28, 2012

TIPS Elak di tipu dalam pembelian emas dan perak

Siasat Terlebih Dahulu jika syarikat berikut membuat aktiviti di bawah: 

1. Pemberian Dividen Setiap Bulan. Tanpa Buat Kerja
2. Pemberian dalam Bentuk Hibah setiap bulan.
3. Perkongsian Keuntungan mengikut % setiap bulan.
4. Bayaran Secara Ansuran mengikut kontrak. Emas akan diserahkan kepada pembeli selepas bayaran penuh selesai.
5. Syarikat yang menawarkan pajak gadai tanpa lesen.
6. Syarikat yang menawarkan kadar pertukaran matawang asing tanpa lesen.
7. Syarikat yang menawarkan pinjaman tanpa lesen
8. Syarikat yang menawarkan khidmat sewa emas perak dan di bayar setiap bulan.
9. Koperasi yang tidak mendaftar

1. Beli Emas Perak dapat fizikal BUKAN kertas / online akaun
2. Emas Perak Pegang Sendiri JANGAN Kasi orang lain yang pegang.
3. Pastikan product tersebut mempunyai certificate / assayer yang di sahkan ketulenan emas perak tersebut bagi mengelakkan penipuan ketulenan.
4. Beli emas perak dengan orang yang dikenali dan dipercayai.
GSR adalah syarikat yang membekalkan emas perak fizikal dengan harga murah / borong ( Seperti Kedai Emas di luar) . Sebagai contoh : Anda beli emas anda dapat emas kemudian anda simpan sendiri atau memakainya terpulang pada anda semua sebab itu hak anda.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gold May Hit $2,500 in 3 Years as Banks Buy, Newmont Says

Gold may rise to $2,500 an ounce in three years as investors buy the metal as a hedge against inflation, said Richard O’Brien, chief executive officer of Newmont Mining Corp. (NEM), the second-biggest producer by sales.
Demand from central banks on price dips will probably help create a floor for gold prices at around $1,600, O’Brien, 58, said in a phone interview yesterday from Las Vegas, where he’s attending the MINExpo conference.
“The downside is fairly limited,” the CEO of the Greenwood Village, Colorado-based company said. “If we see some economic growth we could see $2,500 in the next three or four years.” A global economic recession would be negative for all commodities, including gold, O’Brien said.
Gold has risen for 11 straight years, reaching a record $1,923.70 an ounce on Sept. 6, 2011, inNew York as investors add to holdings using exchange-traded products and central banks expand reserves. O’Brien said in September 2011 that gold may reach $2,000 an ounce by the end of that year and $2,300 by the end of 2012.
Central banks and the International Monetary Fund were the largest bullion owners with 29,500 metric tons at the end of last year, or 17 percent of all mined metal, World Gold Council data show. O’Brien said central banks will probably purchase at least 450 tons of gold next year as they buy the metal to diversify reserves and protect against inflation.
Central banks bought 254.2 tons in the first half of 2012 and may add almost 500 tons for the full year, the London-based World Gold Council said last month.

Kazakh Reserves

Kazakhstan expanded its gold reserves for a 13th consecutive month in August, buying 1.4 metric tons, data on the IMF’s website showed. South Korea bought 16 tons in July, and Paraguay purchased 7.5 tons that month, the data show.
Gold for December delivery fell 1 percent to $1,748.70 at 9:59 a.m. on the Comex in New York. Gold futures have risen 11 percent this year. The metal will average $1,772 in 2013, $1,652 in 2014 and $1,540 in 2015, according to the median of analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
“We are just in the middle of what will continue to be a very bull market for gold coming into the future,” O’Brien said in a Sept. 24 speech at the Las Vegas conference. The metal is trading “more like a currency than like a commodity.”

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gold Prices Sink on Eurozone Struggles

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Gold prices were sinking Monday as investors moved into U.S. dollars as a safe haven on reports that Germany and France were clashing about a timeline to introduce a banking union.
Gold for December delivery was falling $13.30 to $1,764.70 an ounce at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The gold price traded as high as $1,775.30 and as low as $1,757.90 an ounce, while the spot price was shrinking $12.30, according to Kitco's gold index.

"Gold price is an economic and political barometer and the EU banking discord and slow economic recovery have brought more dollar buyers to the table," George Gero, precious metals strategist at RBC Wealth Management, wrote in a note on Monday.
Silver prices for December delivery were falling about 70 cents to $33.94 an ounce, while the U.S. dollar index was gaining 0.38% to $79.68.
Gold had enjoyed a sharp rally two weeks ago after the Federal Reserve announced a new asset-backed purchasing program that has been dubbed QE3. The stimulus plan, theoretically, would push new cash into the monetary system, which would raise inflationary pressures.
But after the move of more than $38 gold futures made on Sept. 13, the price of the yellow metal has retreated slightly as profit-taking and uncertainty in Europe have driven recent action.
Reports suggested that the eurozone's two most influential players in bank bailouts were struggling to reach an agreement on timetables, while other reports emerged that Greece's budget shortfall was much greater than previously expected.
Greek officials have refuted those rumors.
The euro was declining against the U.S. dollar on Monday to $1.2913, down from the previous close of $1.2981.
Typically, as the U.S. dollar strengthens against the euro, gold prices sink due to the increasing value of the paper currency against the precious metal.
Gold mining stocks were mostly lower Monday. Shares of NovaGold Resources (NG) were dipping 2.8%, while Randgold Resources (GOLD) was falling 2.5%.
Among other mining stocks, Newmont Mining (NEM) was down 1.4%, and Eldorado Gold(EGO) was declining 0.9%.
Gold ETF iShares Gold Trust (IAU) was down 0.52%.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Buyer Beware: Fake Gold Epidemic Emerging

Saturday, September 8th, 2012
The 2012 Summer Olympics have come and gone, and you probably learned that true gold isn't easy to come by — even for the world's most celebrated athletes. 
A Gold Medal is only 6 grams gold — a measly 1.34%.
Copper, silver, and other metals make up the rest.
And Olympic Gold Medals aren't the only fakes out there...
Investors are riled up this year, as new cases unfold daily revealing fake gold bars being pawned off as the real deal.
Gold's Gilded Age
In March, UK media coverage exploded with a disturbing phenomena: gold bars filled with Tungsten instead of pure gold.
*Image courtesy of GoldSeek.
Gold owners have been shocked when they've attempted to cash in their gold, expecting a small fortune... and instead walked with a fraction of what they expected.
It's a real shame, but these are hard times and gold is perhaps the hottest of all commodities on the market...
And it's about to skyrocket in value yet again.
Gold's Recharged Bull Market
Christian DeHaemer delivered Wealth Daily readers some interesting news on the gold front this week.
A serious production delay in the gold market is under way after 34 miners were killed by police during a strike at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine in South Africa, the world's third largest gold-producing nation.
Recent gold mining strikes have had a big impact on the price of gold bullion.
Add to that Bernanke's plans for QE3 (be ready for the Fed's next meeting to conclude on September 13, and they are expected to officially announce the next round of quantitative easing) and the worsening financial situation in Europe...
Experts and analysts have little reason to doubt gold is about to surge to record highs.
The Bad News
That's great news for gold investors — but not so great for those who lack experience when it comes to buying the yellow metal.
A surge in gold demand often leads inexperienced investors to buy for the first time... only to find out their precious purchases are tainted with less valuable goods, as heightened demand also beckons scams and fraud.
Since 2011 there have been hundreds of cases of Chinese counterfeiters.
These people openly brag about producing over 100,000 fake U.S. Silver Dollars per year — per counterfeiter in some cases. In fact, as much as 10% of China's GDP is a direct result of counterfeiting!
Fraudulent dealing can be catastrophically disastrous for investors who have put a sizable percentage of their net worth in counterfeit precious metal coins and bars.
Avoid the Counterfeit Trap
Even experts have been fooled by fake gold.
But you can avoid falling into that trap.
Just follow these ten tips compiled by the Gold Bullion Pro
1.) Look at the seller feedback and forums if possible.
If you don't do your homework, you could pay the price later.
2.) Ask for an assay test.
Do not trust a dealer who is not willing to wait for the test do be completed.
3.) Third-party specialist verificationMake sure the third party is reputable.
4.) Insist on seeing the certification. If the seller isn't willing to show you their gold's certification, don't buy.
5.) Use only reputable dealers.Use only the trusted dealers with a respectable business history.
6.) Insist on only stamped and minted precious metal products for small amounts. When buying small amounts of bullion, only choose those bars that are stamped and have serial numbers.
7.) Impartial grading 
When purchasing bullion via the Internet, ask for documentation on the impartial grading of the bullion products. Legitimate dealers should have this form of certification.
8.) Slabbing
Make sure the slabbing and the coin go together. Fake gold generally does not include slabbing.
9.) Test using a magnet. True gold is not magnetic. It should not react to a magnet at all. If it does, it's fake.
10.) Evaluate complaints and negative feedback about your dealer carefully.
When it comes to your dealer, don't risk even a single bad review mentioning fake gold. Find another dealer instead.
As Q3 looms, it's important to prepare yourself and your portfolio for the continued decline of the dollar.
Precious metals offer a good hedge as the Fed fires up the printing presses yet again — but it's important that you don't just load up on gold blindly...
Educate yourself on the market. Learn how to detect a fake gold bar for yourself before you visit a dealer. Keep these ten tips on hand when you go to make your purchase... and only buy from trusted dealers.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fake Chinese Gold Discovered

By Christian A. DeHaemer | Thursday, September 20th, 2012
Christian A. DeHaemer
A ten ounce gold bar costing nearly $18,000 turned out to be a counterfeit.
The bar was filled with tungsten, which weighs almost the same as gold, but costs just over a dollar an ounce.
MyFoxNY reports:
Ibrahim Fadl bought the bar from a merchant who has sold him real gold before. But he heard counterfeit gold bars were going around, so he drilled into several of his gold bars worth $100,000 and saw gray tungsten — not gold.
What makes it so devious is a real gold bar is purchased with the serial numbers and papers, then it is hollowed out, the gold is sold, the tungsten is put in, then the bar is closed up.
Chinese Fraud
The Secret Service is now investigating this latest counterfeiting.
But this isn't the first time this has happened...
In March, gold bars filled with tungsten showed up in England, Australia, and Hong Kong.
It has even been rumored that some of the 200 metric ton gold sold to India from the IMF contained tungsten.
Of course, no one is talking.
In the short run, this will mean your ability to buy gold bars will be slowed as New York gold merchants figure out how to regain credibility (or until the whole matter is swept under the rug).
One way to avoid buying fake gold is to buy it in smaller quantities from reputable merchants. Though it requires a great deal of sophistication to fill a gold bar with tungsten, the manufacturing techniques make it more worth it in large bars versus small coins.
Wealth Daily readers have used Asset Marketing for their gold coins for years with nary a complaint. You can find them here.

Straight to the Source
The source of these fake gold bars is a criminal Chinese gang that produced them during the Clinton years.
The story goes that between 5,600 and 5,700 400oz bars — 60 metric tons — were counterfeited by a sophisticated criminal organization...
The Chinese arrested many of the perpetrators shortly after the scam was uncovered, but not before a sizable amount of the gold bars were sold...
It's thought that more than 1.5 million 400oz tungsten blanks were manufactured in the United States. Of those manufactured, some 640,000 bars received gold plating and were shipped Ft. Knox, where they remain to this day. This was the impetus for Ron Paul's call to edit Fort Knox.
The remaining bars were gold plated and sold on the international market, where they show up from time to time in cities around the world.
This begs the question about the gold resting five stories below the Federal Reserve Bank of New York...
Could the planet's largest gold vault — containing 25% of the world's gold — be counterfeit?
Of course it couldn't... but don't hold your breath waiting for clarity.

Money Printing
In the aftermath of QE3 (or what some are now calling QE-finity, due to its never-ending nature), the price of hard assets must go up in relation to the U.S. dollar over the long term.
Silver, unlike gold, is much harder to counterfeit.
Due to the industrial nature of silver, it is melted down and used in manufacturing. This is something that would be sacrilegious to do to a gold bar with its certification numbers and seals.
Thus, fake silver bars would be more likely to be discovered.
The numbers I see are that gold is more than forty times more likely to be counterfeited than silver.
The silver that is counterfeited is usually in the form of bars that weigh ten onces and up.
U.S. silver coins that were produced before 1965 that are 90% silver and 10% copper are the most likely to be be real due to their small size. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Malaysia's Aug CPI gains 0.2% on rising food, drinks prices

KUALA LUMPUR: The inflation rate as measured by the consumer price index (CPI) rose 1.4% year-on-year in August while prices gained a marginal 0.2% month-on-month due to to higher prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages.
The Statistics Department, which released the data, said prices from January to August increased by 1.8% compared with the previous corresponding period.
It said prices for August increased compared with a year earlier due to food and non-alcoholic beverages, which rose 2.8% and non-food items, which gained 0.7%.
Compared with July, the CPI for August rose 0.2% due to increases in main groups housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (+0.5%); transport (+0.3%); food and non-alcoholic beverages and furnishings 0.2%; alcoholic beverages and tobacco and health by 0.1% respectively
The department said the CPI for January to August rose 1.8% to 104.6 from 102.8 a year ago due to food and non-alcoholic beverages and non-food. They increased by 3.0% and 1.2% respectively.
Compared with the previous month, the index for food and non-alcoholic beverages and non-food increased by 0.2% respectively.
MIDF Research economist Anthony Dass said while the core-CPI eased further, some pressure was seen in food and non-alcoholic beverages.
“Given the benign inflationary trend, it has opened the door wider forBank Negara to re-price its policy rate now at 3%. However, we believe Bank Negara is unlikely to re-price its policy rate throughout this year. We feel Bank Negara needs greater level of conviction, especially with the economy performing well in the first half, having grown by 5.2% year-on-year, driven by the strong domestic demand,” he said in a report.
Dass viewed that the prices of food could inch up slightly in the coming months. He said with the quantitative easing 3 in place, it should exert some levels of upward pressure on global commodities prices. Also, with the festive seasons in fourth quarter, it should also add some pressure on food as well as non-alcoholic beverages prices. Adding on, prices could inch up should there be “supply disruptions” due to natural disasters and or bad weather, Dass said.
“We are of the view that the core-CPI is unlikely to increase in the remaining months of 2012. This is because we believe that there will not be any further relaxation to the subsidies like fuel prices anytime soon. Another contributory factor is the high base,” he said.
Meanwhile, RHB Research Institute Sdn Bhd expects inflation to remain benign in the near term, going forward. However, it said a moderate increase in price pressure could gradually build up towards the end of the year and in the beginning of next year, on the back of rising commodity prices caused by draught in some part of the United States and as the economic growth gains momentum in 2013. “As a whole, inflation is projected to inch up to around 2.0% in 2013, from an average of 1.6% estimated for 2012.”
“Despite anticipation of higher inflation in 2013, it will likely remain manageable and unlikely pose a threat to the economy. As a whole, the central bank, in our view, will likely keep its overnight policy rate unchanged at 3% next year, after maintaining it at the same level for the rest of this year,” RHB said.

Harga emas naik USD1,800/oz

PETALING JAYA 19 Sept. - Poh Kong Holdings Bhd, rantaian runcit barang kemas terbesar di Malaysia, menjangkakan harga emas di pasaran global akan meningkat kepada AS$1,800 (RM5,472) untuk 31.2 gram (1 auns) menjelang akhir tahun, dirangsang oleh sentimen yang kian bertambah terhadap jaminan aset termasuk emas.
Pada masa ini, emas dijual pada harga AS$1,770 seauns.
Pengarah Eksekutif Ermin Siow berkata, harga emas akan kekal menggalakkan sehingga tahun 2015 dan yang pastinya, tahun hadapan hargnya akan mencecah AS$2,000 (RM6,080) seauns.
Bercakap dalam taklimat media mengenai "Tinjauan Trend Permintaan Emas" hari ini, Siow berkata, kebimbangan berterusan terhadap ekonomi AS dan negara utama yang lain seperti China akan pastinya menjadi pemacu kepada harga-harga emas di masa akan datang. - BERNAMA

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Gold Market Watchers Turn To U.S. Jobs Data For Direction

(Kitco News) - Gold prices rose to six-month highs on Thursday after the market received the news of new monetary stimulus from the European Central Bank, but now the market awaits the results of another key event, the monthly U.S. non-farm payrolls.
The report detailing the August employment situation is slated for release at 8:30 a.m. EDT Friday. Private estimates of payroll growth vary, but a survey of analysts by MarketWatch expects that 120,000 new jobs were created and that the unemployment rate will stay at 8.3%. In July, 163,000 new jobs were formed.
Gold prices pushed above $1,700 an ounce in overnight trading in anticipation that the ECB would either cut interest rates and/or announce stimulus measures. The bank left rates unchanged at 0.75%, but ECB President Mario Draghi announced an “outright monetary transaction” plan, which would allow the ECB decide when to start, continue or suspend bond purchases.
In a press briefing after the ECB meeting, Draghi said this plan allows the central bank “to address severe distortions in government bond markets which originate from, in particular, unfounded fears on the part of investors of the reversibility of the euro."
The bond purchases would be “sterilized,” meaning that the amount of money put into the market via bond buys would be taken out taken out of the system in equivalent measures by other means. Also at the meeting, the ECB lowered its forecast for European growth.
Since Draghi spoke, gold prices came off of their six-month high, but have held above $1,700.
Comex December gold futures were up $13.20 an ounce at $1,707.20 as of 11:15 a.m. EDT
Part of gold’s retracement might be tied to the U.S. dollar rising at the time, said Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman. During Draghi’s news conference, other U.S. jobs data were released which gave the dollar a boost. Weekly jobless claims fell by 12,000 to 365,000, the largest in more than a month, and payrolls-processor ADP said private-sector job growth in August was the highest in five months.
The combination of the U.S. jobs figures and the ECB’s downward growth revision helped the U.S. dollar recover from earlier weakness, Chandler said. Thursday’s jobs data reinforces his expectations that Friday’s monthly payrolls report from the Labor Department will more in line with July’s higher-than-expected jobs growth.
“The ADP data pushes in this direction, though (ADP’s) month-to-month track record is not great,” Chandler said.
There is heightened interest in Friday’s payrolls data because it comes on the heels of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech at Jackson Hole, Wyo., where he said quantitative easing could play a role in reducing unemployment, a situation he called “grave.”
Market participants have said that depending on the outcome of the report, it may give the Fed additional fodder to embark on more stimulus to help prop up the economy. More stimulus would be bullish for gold and commodities in general. The Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy, meets on Sept. 12-13, and some market participants said the Fed could announce stimulus as early as next week. That’s why Friday’s report is so critical.
Chandler said looking at Thursday’s ADP figures and the weekly claims data, he doesn’t see the need for outright stimulus. “On balance, this still favors guidance adjustment over new asset purchases, we think,” he said, referring to the Fed’s announcement to keep interest rates at historically low levels.
Edel Tully, precious metals strategist at UBS, said Friday’s payrolls data will have a stronger influence over the price direction for gold than Thursday’s ECB action, particularly for gold priced in dollars.
UBS is looking 135,000 jobs to be created and an unemployment rate of 8.3%. If the jobs figure comes in above 150,000, it would be negative for gold prices and the market could fall to the $1,650-60 area, she said. That’s where gold was when it rallied off Bernanke’s Jackson Hole comments.
“The retracement depends on how much above consensus the number is, as arguably a very good print significantly lowers the potential for the Fed to act at next week's FOMC meeting. In that case, gold needs to lose some of its QE premium. A very good result, somewhere close to 200,000 would like leave gold scrambling back to the low $1,600's,” Tully said.
Conversely, if the payrolls data comes out under expectations, then gold could rise on thoughts that QE will be a done deal at next week’s FOMC meeting. The next area of focus for gold would be $1,750, she said.
Robin Bhar, metals analyst at Societe Generale, said the market is pricing in that the Fed will conduct QE, perhaps as soon as next week, so it would take a much higher than expected jobs figure to change that perception. “It’s a slowing economy and it’s not creating enough jobs; it’s a jobless recovery,” Bhar said.
Not only would the jobs figure have to come in far above expectations, say above 150,000, but there would also have to be upward revisions to previous data to call into question the market’s expectation for more monetary stimulus, he said.
Bhar said Thursday’s ECB data helped to spur gold over $1,700, but for the metal to retain those gains, it will need confirmation of stimulus, rather than just talk of stimulus.
“The big catalyst will be the FOMC,” he said.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Financial Armageddon Looms, Precious Metals to Soar

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012
The time is nigh...
“We, as individuals, can live beyond our means by borrowing, but only for a limited period of time. Why then should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?”

— Ronald Reagan
In 2005 our debt was $5.6 trillion, and in 2010 it was $13.5 trillion.
It's set to surpass the $20 trillion mark by 2016.
That's just four years from now.
The days of living beyond our means and piling up mounds of borrowed (nonexistent) money to pay for it all has taken a toll on our nation.
The consequences are so severe, many wonder if we'll ever truly recover... 
Not to Fear — the Fed is Here!
Quantitative easing won't fix this mess we've gotten ourselves into. The Fed's 'Monopoly money' is a joke, no matter how many times they tell us it's the only feasible way to keep our economy afloat.
Consequently, a dramatic decline of the dollar is unfolding before our very eyes. Its imminent collapse is just another hasty Fed policy away.
You will have to diversify your portfolio accordingly if you don't want to lose everything.
Don't get me wrong; the market will experience a slight boost immediately following the announcement of QE3 this fall...
But shortly after the election, when QE efforts prove lackluster yet again, we could once again find ourselves in a world of despair... and for some time.
It happened with QE1 and again with QE2.
Why should we expect something different this time?
After all, “a free market system has to find its level roots,” explains Keith Springer, president of Springer Financial Advisors, who predicts a market crash post-election.
Don't Panic... Buy Gold
Gold bullion investments are a must if you want to hedge inflation and survive the crash.
Silver futures will help protect you, too.
Platinum and uranium offer some peace of mind as well.
Christian DeHaemer has kept his Crisis and Opportunity readers in the know with some profitable precious metal trades that are up since he told his readers to buy gold and silver...
Traders purchasing the 3x Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: NUGT) two weeks ago are up 19.79% as of the beginning of this week. The Silver ETF (NYSE: SLV) was up 11%. And Christian helped his readers earn 83% returns in a single day from a platinum options play.
Last weekend, I told you Wall Street insiders were moving billions out of equity funds and into hard assets.
That trend isn't easing...
Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported hedge funds “boosted bets on rising commodities to the highest in 15 months, driving prices into a bull market as the U.S. drought worsened and the Federal Reserve signaled it may take more steps to spur economic growth.”
Additionally, investors added another $1.47 billion to commodity funds in the week ending on August 22 — the third inflow of money in the past four weeks. Of that, $1.36 billion went directly toward precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.
In the past month, investors bought $2.77 billion worth of the yellow metal through gold-backed exchange-traded products; 53.26 metric tons so far.
Data reveals traders are the most bullish they've been since November 11.
Brad Durham, managing director of EPFR Global, has interpreted this sign as an indicator that QE3 will happen.
QE3 in September, a critical election in November, and financial Armageddon by winter?
Though it's hard to say the exact day or week it will all go down, the signs point to the end of a dark road...
It's time to stop relying on the government and the Fed to fix things. It's time to pave your ownroad to wealth.
I suggest you do so with gold and other precious metals.
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